Monday, March 23, 2009

tag lagi..???ahaks!!

dayah ohhh dayah..ahaks!!!!

::: What is the relationship of you and him/her? :::

dayah ek..??hurmm..class daku time pom 4 and 5

::: Your impressions towards him/her :::

wohohohoh...budak ni sgt ampeh..!~~~ahaks!!!

::: The most memorable things he/she had done for you :::

apa arr..??hurmm...dia dtg umah aku!!!:D

::: If he/she become your lover, you will :::

hah..???adoiyaiii!!!!kekasih sahabat..ahaks!!

::: If he/she become your enemy, you will :::

never insya-ALLAH!!!sabar je la

::: If she become your lover, she has to improve on her :::

adoihhh...jadi diri sendiri sudah..aku ska dia camtuh..hey!!dia pompuan ar

::: If he/she become your enemy, the reason is :::

hihihih..dia pecah amanah arr tuh...

::: The most desirable thing to do on him/her is :::

suh dia gi debate kat depan suh dia debate sal aku..ahaks!!!

::: The overall impression of him/her is :::

lalalalalalal!!~~~lepak itu best...ahaks!!!btol dak dayah..??

::: How do you think the people around you will feel about you :::

Past- aku agak emo,senyap and cepat tension ckp aku mature..???

skrg-aku agak kebudakkan..byk ckp..ehehe...serius kalo study..ahaks!

::: The character of you for yourself is? :::

apa arr..??ape pendpt korang...tulis la kat komen..:D

::: On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is :::

Cepat marah kot...ahaks!!~~

::: The most ideal person that you wanna be is? :::

me!!~~kalo x ALLAH x jadikan aku sbg aku...ahaks!!!

::: For the people who likes you, say something to them :::

habbakallahu allazi min ajlihi ahbabtani...:)...tq sebab suke aku..ahaks!!~~

::: 8 people to tag :::

1. King Syahmi

2. Hanis!

3. Jibah

4. Zolakmal dabat

5. pak cik Sharaf

6. zawani

7. Lina!!!

8. Nazri...


::: who is no. 2 having a relationship with? :::

no body!!!!…

::: Is no. 3 a male or a female? :::

nama pun Jibah kan..bukan najib..ehehhe

::: If no. 7 and no. 8 were together, would it be a good thing? :::

Jmper pown x diorang leh kot jadi kawan..ahaks!

::: How about no. 5 and 6? :::

sorang lgk byk ckp...hurmm..???wut do ya think..??

::: What is no. 1 studying about? :::

geng medcy...sama ngan aku..insya-ALLAH dia akan dpt ape yg dia nak..kan King..??

::: Is no. 4 single? :::

wohohohoh..???kena spy dia kat jepun..:p

::: Say something about no. 2 :::

miss her so much..:p



.::annemishi::. said...

sayang kamu~~

rindu kamu~~

tapi saya dah buat, =D sila tgok post2 sblom nih...


-anneh yang wangi.....

M Syakirah said...


Dai said...

skang lepak sudah xbesh..
itu lagha...
study lbeh pnting..

zorro said...

dah dah dah buat!