Monday, June 14, 2010

what gurl want,what boy need part 2

sambungan daripada post how to score point with a woman (click sini jika ada yang masih belum baca)

mengikut john gray
setiap apa pemberian lelaki terhadap wanita...
wanita tetap kira pointnye satu
tidak kira besar mahupun kecil...
namun menurut john gray
lelaki memberi point melalui sebesar mana pemberian perempuan tersebut~

wanita melihat berapa kerap lelaki melakukan sesuatu terhadapnya
lelaki pula melihat bertapa besar apa yang dilakukan oleh wanita terhadapnya~walaupun sekali namun score mungkin besar! - ini sesuatu perkara baru sebenarnya untuk wanita~kerana kami suka memberikan sesuatu dengan lebih kerap walaupun itu perkara kecil~^_^

di sini m syakirah akan menulis dah point yg bakal diberi oleh lelaki terhadap wanita kesayangannya~wahai lelaki di lur sana~nyatakan persetujuan anda di ruang komen ya?

how women can score point with men

1. he makes a mistake and she doesn't say "I told u so" or offer advice. (10-20 points)

2.he disappoints her and she doesn't punish him. (10-20)

3.he gets lost while driving and she doesn't make a big deal out of it.(10-20)

4.he gets lost and she sees the good in the situation and says " we would never have seen this beautiful sunset if we had taken the most direct route" (20-30)

5. he forgets to pick up something and she says :it's ok would u do it next time u go out?" (10-20)

6.he forgets to pick up something again and she says with trusting patience and persistance "it's ok.would u still get it?"(20-30)

7.when she has hurt him and she understands hid hurt,she apologizes and gives him the love he needs. (10-40)

8.She asks for his support and he says no and she is not hurt by his rejection but trusts that he would if he could.She does not reject him or disapprove of him.(10-20)

9.Another time she asks for his support and he again says no.she does not make him feel wrong but accepts his limitations at that time. (20-30)

10. She asks for his support without being demanding when he assumes the score is somewhat even (1-5)

11. she asks for support without being demanding when she is upset or he knows she has been giving more.(10-30)

12. when he comes back from his cave she welcomes him and doesn't punish him or reject him (10-20)

13.When he withdraws she doesn't make him feel guilty (10-20)

14. when he apologizes for a mistake and she receives it with loving and acceptance and forgiveness.(10-50)

15.When he asks her to do something she says no without giving a list of reasons why she can't do it (1-10)

16. when he asks her to do something and she says yes and stays in a good mood (1-10)

17. when he wants to make up afer a fight and starts doing little things for her and she starts appreciating him again (10-30)

18.she is happy to see him when he gets home. (10-20)

19.She feels disapproving and instead of expressing it she goes in another room privately centers herself and then comes back with a more centered and loving heart. (10-20)

20.On special occasion she overlooks his mistakes and might normally upset her ( 20-40)

21. she really enjoys having sex with him (10-40)

22.he forgets where he puts his keys and she doesn't look at him as though he was irresponsible (10-20)

23. She is tactful or gracedul in expressing her dislike or disappointment about a restaurant or a movie when on date(10-20)

24. she doesn't give advice when he is driving or parking the car and then appreciates him for getting them there. (10-20)

25. She asks for his support rather than dwelling on what he has done wrong (10-20)

26.She shares her negative feeling without blaming,rejecting, or being disapproving of him (10-40)

kadang2 m syakirah melihat list ini~ ada yang diri ini terkejut
kehendak yg wanita perlukan dan lelaki perlukan mmg berbeza~
soalan yg byk untuk wanita adalah satu perkara yang menyenangkan~
tapi soalan yang byk utk lelaki dikira kongkongan~
dan pelbagai lagi pelik bg pihak lelaki yg berbea dari kehendak wanita~

wanita ingin menerima..namun dia takut terluka jika terima~sebab itu dia tidak mahu meminta dan mahu si lelaki memahami kehendaknya

lelaki ingin memberi..namun dia takut pemberiannya tidak diterima~sebab itu dia menunggu permintaan dari wanita yg disayanginya~

jadi..hilangkan rasa takut???hurmmm
complementary untuk lelaki= perempuan


.::annemishi::. said...

munirah syakirah
memang pakar motivasi + kaunseling.

M Syakirah said...

anneh pakar motivasi lah~ini just analisis buku men r from mars women are from venus

fikah © said...

nak komen jugak walalupun shake nak guys berikan pendapat.
rasanya,sedaya upaya boleh buat, tapi i do really3 want him to be there when i'm hurt, though i say it's alright.

M Syakirah said...

hohoho~~yeah~~me too fikah~walaupun kita cuba faham~kita harap kita dpt layanan..dpt lambat pun x pe..asalkan dia akan ckp..."i'm so so sorry sebab x layan ritu~so many things needed my attention~i want to settle them quickly so i can spend more time with u coz u r the most special in my life..i love u~" kan fikah??^_^...bukan perkataan maaf pun diorang nak dengar..tapi..perkataan dia lebih penting dan sayang tuh yg pompuan perlu~~

tapi bila laki perlukan mcm kat atas ni..shake rase pelik...hahaha...baru tau diorang ni nak hape actually~

reassurance is important for women~